
Saturday, July 30, 2011

The cryptic mind

Things change really fast in life… opinions , interests , tastes ,and woman. I wonder why no one ever created a device which can analyze a female mind.  It’s a shame to the great brains of twenty first century. Why are they so complicated . They act like they love you for life today  and the very next minute they will hate you like hell.
They say they don’t know anything about us but they will track us. They say they don’t  give a damn about you ,but  they do.
Some times its really hard to believe the truth. I donno if they are not prepared for it or they just hate to live with a truthful person.
If we truly like them and if we say that they really are special to us. They just think that we are playing around.
And they’ll say  “I bet you say this to every girl.”
What are they???
Few days ago we are like the best couple on earth and now I’m just a guy and she is just  a  friend.
What ever they are,they are the reason for a guy to be happy or sad. They might be weird at times but they are mostly sweet and loving. We just have to accept and face every situation with them. It might be good or bad.
Above all  we need them just  like they need us.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Last words of a Loser


This is it. The day has come .The day that I never dreamt of. The day that I never wanted to happen.

This is the outmost shame of my life that I made someone an element to betrayal.

Today I stood as a convict of honesty and truth. I never thought that I would do such thing like that. The pain of losing someone’s trust is unbearable. I broke their faith in me.

I stood as an absolute loser by dropping a valuable heart. I made them bitter and I know they hate me.

I’ve earned very few hearts in the course of my life. I’ve been honest and open to them.
Of course I lied many but those lies will never affect my stand on friendship and love. And I never faked my Identity. I was accused of being another person now. The fact is I don’t even know what kind of person I am.

It’s not their fault of judgment against me because I think I’ve never had a heart to fill someone’s affection and never had a slightest chance of gaining the trust. May be I’m not even a person. I’m a savage.

I am my problem. I am my nemesis. No one ever believed me. Not even my own family had the trust. They know that I’m a retard. I feel sorry for them. They deserve a better son. They deserve a better brother they deserve a much better person than me. I’m the disappointment of my family. No wonder that someone who I never met has lost faith in me. I think they are right. I might me a Liar and a killer of trust.

I lost a sweet person today. I was hated. I was crushed and steeped down to the ground.
It’s obvious that I stand alone in the dark every time and I got used to it. But I never felt so bad like this. I made a person look like a fool for trusting me. I am a sick bastard.

A sweet melt down to sorrow because of my cruelness. It served with everything I desired and always smiled for me. It sweetened my heart offering it self when needed. It served me and pleasured me till the very last bite. All it asked from me is a speck of Trust and Honesty.

From the bottom of my heart I feel bad for losing a person who is so sweet all the time and affectionate. I still know that I’m honest and true. But all I don’t know is me. And when I know what I am, I’ll be a complete man.

I wish I could be forgiven. But I don’t think I deserve that.

Am I a Liar? Am I a fraud?
Am I a loser? Am I a zero?

These might be my last words because it takes a heart to write something appealing and you now know that I’m heartless. Even if I had one, It’s rotten and broken.

--- THE END ---

Monday, July 25, 2011

In the Dark

                                     In the Dark
                                                        - Johnny vas

Some times it takes more than one heart to understand a feeling. It might be joy or sorrow. Happy or sad. But if we have someone who can share and understand feelings then you are lucky. I spent alone in the dark to find the meaning of happiness. I hide myself in the dark, scared and distressed.

The dark is scary when your eyes are wide open.
The dark is peaceful when your eyes are closed.

It’s just the mind that makes you swing.

There will be light when you are happy and you can see a lot of people around you.
They come to you and they dance with you. They will share your joy and they will smile with you. You feel very secure and positive when you are happy in the light.

Then slowly you can see the light disappearing into thin air. They lights get dim. All the people you see around will move away. Their happy faces will be gone. You will see the dark forming around you. Every thing gets obscure and you will be the only one standing alone in the dark. The joy turns into sorrow and the smile turns into tears. No one will come to you even if you shout they will not look back for you. You will feel insecure. You will feel the fear.

But you have to search in the dark. There will be someone to hear you and stretching their hand to hold you and protect you.

I had nobody to help me in the dark. I searched them for years and shouted out loud for help. All those years of hell I thought of one thing. Why is everyone around you when you are happy and why there is no one when you are left in the dark.

The Answer is simple.

The world is timid to face the dark. The friends you have the relations you got are just to spend the time of light with you.

Then I realized that happy means peace and sorrow is scary. Either ways it is darkness around you.

When you realize this you will have the ultimate power to see all the things of life apparently in the dark.

You can only see the face of a person in the light but in the dark their real face will be revealed.

Now I no more fear to the dark. Happy or sad I learnt a way to be positive and and honest and one day you will know the true value of the dark.

Good luck My Friend.